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Get a Cease and Desist Letter for a Bad Reference

Have you been given a bad reference that has cost you a job opportunity? You're not alone. Millions of people are given bad references every year, and it can have a devastating impact on their careers.

Get started
* When you submit your request, we will contact you to finalize the details of your order.


Satisfied clients since 1984


Success Rate in stopping bad references

What You'll Get

In-Depth Legal Analysis

We thoroughly review your unfavorable job references with our legal experts, preparing a solid foundation for your Cease & Desist letter.

Customized Draft Preparation

Post consultation, we prepare a rough draft of your Cease & Desist letter tailored to your specific situation.

Quick and Certified Dispatch

Once you approve the draft, we ensure your Cease & Desist letter reaches your former company's designated representative via certified mail within a week.

Final Copy Delivery

We provide you with a final copy of the Cease & Desist letter via email on the day it's sent to the company.

Follow-Up Reference Check

A month after the company receives your Cease & Desist letter, we conduct a follow-up reference check to assess the response.

Deposition Readiness

In the unlikely event we're needed for a deposition regarding your negative reference, we're prepared to serve (additional fees may apply).

Reference Archival

We safely store your references for an additional 12 months at no extra charge, providing a seamless experience when you need them.

Peace of Mind

Our top priority is your peace of mind, ensuring that a negative reference does not hinder your future employment opportunities.

Client testimonials

Phoenix, AZ
“It's one thing to know I had a bad reference, another to be able to do something about it. I'm (finally) employed again after many months of searching. Many thanks!”
Ogden, UT
“I'd given up hope that I would ever be able to do anything about my past boss who has been badmouthing me. Thanks to the “Cease and Desist Letter” he has been stopped. Thank goodness I found about your service - I would have contacted you years ago if I'd known your services existed.”
Birmingham, AL
“It's one thing to suspect I had a 'bad apple' in my reference barrel, another thing to confirm it. And then, being able to do something about it with your Cease & Desist letter - I finally feel like I'm getting my career back. Thanks so much!”
A $1,200 value

Take action today
for just $395

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does the Cease & Desist Service Include?

A legal analysis of your unfavorable reference.
Draft and finalized The Cease & Desist Service is designed to help you tackle unfavorable references. With this service, we'll conduct a legal analysis of the unfavorable reference, draft and send a Cease & Desist letter, and perform a follow-up reference check. Plus, your references will be kept on file with our firm for an additional 12 months. Most importantly, you'll gain peace of mind knowing that this unfavorable reference is being professionally addressed. & Desist letter sent via certified mail.Follow-up reference check and archiving of references for 12 months.Peace of mind that your negative reference is being addressed.

How much does this cost?

Our service is competitively priced at $395. We aim to provide top-quality service without breaking the bank. Please be aware that any additional demands on the attorney's time, such as calls or emails, will result in extra fees.

What information do I need to provide?

We'll need some essential details to proceed with the Cease & Desist letter, including the Name, Title, Address, Fax number, Email, and Phone numbers of the CEO or senior management of your former employer. Your cooperation in providing this information ensures a smooth process.

Is there a guarantee for the service?

While we strive to make our process effective, please understand that it's not possible to offer a guarantee or refund for the service. Our dedicated team will, however, do everything we can to assist you.

What happens after the Cease & Desist letter is sent?

Once the Cease & Desist letter is sent, a follow-up reference check is conducted after four weeks, and your references are kept on file for 12 months. It's all part of our commitment to providing ongoing support.

How long does it take for them to receive the letter?

After consulting with the attorney, you will receive a rough draft for your approval. Once approved, the finalized letter will be sent within one week. We aim to keep you informed and involved every step of the way.

Is the Cease & Desist letter copyrighted?

Yes, the Cease & Desist letter is a copyrighted work product. We take intellectual property seriously and work to protect the integrity of our services.

Can I communicate directly with the attorney?

Certainly! If you need extra time with Allison Taylor or the attorney, you can communicate directly. However, please note that additional fees will be billed for this time.

Who will be named in the letter?

In the letter, the company representative who gave the negative reference will be named. The reference-checking firm will not be named in the letter. We maintain confidentiality in our process.